books | book chapters | journal articles | conference speeches


  1. Fallout and Philosophy [in Croatian]. Mala filozofija, Zadar. [about book] (coming soon)
  2. Defragmentations [in Croatian]. Mala filozofija, Zadar, 2017. ISBN 978-953-59784-0-4 | [about book] [download]
  3. Thomas Farnell, Josip Ćirić, Blaženka Divjak, Karin Doolan, Danijel Jedriško, Lelia Kiš-Glavaš, Sandra Laleta, Irena Majstorović, Valentina Novak Žižić, Iva Šušak, Natalija Vrbas. Assuring minimal accessibility standards for students with disabilities in Republic of Croatia higher education system. TEMPUS EduQuality projekt, Zagreb, 2013. [about book]

edited books

  1. World Philosophy Day in Zadar [in Croatian]. Editors: Bruno Ćurko, Josip Ćirić i Ruža Kovačević. Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo, Zagreb, 2017. [about book] (coming coon)

book chapters

  1. Ćirić, Josip i Bruno Ćurko: 'Can You Be Happy under Ingsoc?'. In Ezio di Nuzzi and Stefan Storrie (eds.) 1984 and Philosophy, Open Court, Chicago IL, 2018. ISBN 978-0812699791 logo Open Court Publishing logo
  2. Vulić-Prtorić, Anita i Ćirić, Josip: 'Reducing Suffering: Psychological and Philosophical Counseling' [in Croatian]. In Josip Ćirić, Bruno Ćurko, Ruža Kovačević (eds.) World Philosophy Day in Zadar, Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo, Zagreb, 2017. (coming soon)
  3. 'Kiss me... Štulić, Philosophy and the Real Life' [in Croatian]. In Bruno Ćurko i Ivana Greguric (eds.) New Vawe and Philosophy. Jesenski i Turk, Zagreb, 2012. str. 57-69. ISBN 978-953-222-619-5
  4. Vulić-Prtorić, Anita, Fajdetić, Andrea, Lončar-Vicković, Sanja, Ćirić, Josip, Czerny, Sarah, Barić, Asja i Romstain, Ksenija: 'Forms, Methods, and Techniques of Executing Lectures' [in Croatian]. In Anita Vulić-Prtorić, Valentina Kranželić, Andrea Fajdetić (eds.) Executing Teaching and Learning Outcomes, series 'Students With Disabilites' vol. 4. Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 2012. str. 77-159. ISBN 978-953-6002-58-0(4)

journal articles and proceedings

  1. Ćirić, Josip, Maja Jadrešin. 'The Reception of Croatian Philosophers and Digital Humanities' (In Croatian: 'Recepcija hrvatskih filozofa i digitalna humanistika'). [sic] – časopisa za književnost, kulturu i književno prevođenje. 8 (2018), 2. doi: 10.15291/sic/ ISSN 1847-775
  2. Šango, Tea, Tomislav Rajković, Drahomira Cupar i Josip Ćirić. Online Gaming Communities in Croatia. In Paavo Arvola, Tanja Hintsanen, Serafia Kari, Soile Kolehma, Shan Luolin, Jasmiina Sillanpää (eds.) Improving quality of life through information - 25th BOBCATSSS Conference Proceedigs. Univeristy of Tampere, Tampere, 2017. str. 193-196. ISBN 978-952-03-0524-6
  3. Žilić, Lucija, Cupar, Drahomira, Ćirić, Josip i Zauder, Krešimir: 'Student teacher Facebook friendship and privacy awareness'. In Fanny Blanchard, Valentin Fameland, Katarina Leyrer, Guilhem Martin Saint-Leon, Paulin Ribbe, Laure Fabre (eds.) Information, Libraries, Democracy ­ 24th BOBCATSSS Conference Proceedings. Enssib, Villeurbane, 2016. str. 383-394. ISBN 978-2-37546-014-6
  4. Ćirić, Josip, Volarević, Domagoj, Mrkela, Lucija: 'The First Life: Some Aspects on Gamification in the Real World'. In Pavla Minaríkova i Lukaš Strouhal (eds.) DESIGN, INNOVATION, PARTICIPATION:BOBCATSSS 2015 Proceedings & Abstracts. Flow, o.s., Brno, 2015. str. 92-96. ISBN 978-80-905480-7-7
  5. Ćirić, Josip: 'Od psihoterapije do utopije'. [sic] – časopisa za književnost, kulturu i književno prevođenje. 5 (2015) , 2. doi: 10.15291/sic/ ISSN 1847-7755
  6. Ćirić, Josip i Brala-Mudrovčić, Jasminka: 'Kritička teorija i elektroničko obrazovanje'. Metodički vidici. 5 (2015) , 5; 263-274. ISSN 2334-7465 (Online) ISSN 2217-415X (Tisak)
  7. Ćirić, Josip i Volarević, Domagoj: 'Internet Social Network Related Behaviour and Some Privacy Paradox Issues'. U Wolf-Fritz Riekert, Ingeborg Simon (ur.) Information in e­motion Proceedings. BOBCATSSS 2012 20th International Conference on Information Science. BOCK + HERCHEN Verlag, Bad Honnef, 2012. str. 332­335. ISBN 978-3-88347-287-4
  8. Ćirić, Josip: 'Komunikacijski kanali filozofskog i psihološkog savjetovanja'. Filozofska istraživanja. 30 (2010) , 1­2; 97­121. ISSN 0351-4706 (Print) ISSN 1848-2309 (Online)
  9. Ćirić, Josip i Kovačević, Ruža: 'Tehnofobija u digitalnoj kulturi - neka filozofska pitanja'. Filozofska istraživanja. 28 (2008) , 1; 83­96. ISSN 0351-4706 (Print) ISSN 1848-2309 (Online)
  10. Ćirić, Josip i Kovačević, Ruža: 'Kompjutacijska paradigma kognicije - pogled iz filozofije uma'. Acta Iadertina. 3 (2006) ; 3­27. ISSN 1845-3392 (Print) ISSN 1849-1243 (Online)
  11. Ćirić, Josip: 'Znanstvena fikcija i filozofija'. Acta Iadertina. 2 (2005) ; 7­14
  12. Ćirić, Josip: 'Elementi filozofije jezika u 'Povijesti Međuzemlje' J.R.R. Tolkiena'. Acta Iadertina. 1 (2004) ; 7­17. ISSN 1845-3392 (Print) ISSN 1849-1243 (Online)
  13. Ćirić, Josip: 'Carl Sagan: Etička pitanja'. Radovi - Razdio FPSP. 18 (2003) ; 23­30. ISSN 0352-6798
  14. Ivanov, Lozena, Penezić, Zvjezdan i Ćirić, Josip: 'Usporedba djece i adolescenata s obzirom na lokalizaciju kvalitete prikazanih objekata'. RADOVI - Razdio FPSP. 38 (1999) , 15; 97­110. ISSN 0352-6798

conference speeches

  1. Ćirić, J., Maja Jadrešin. (Un)presence of Croatian Philosophers in Encyclopedias [Enciklopedijska (ne)zastupljenost hrvatskih filozofa]. 26th Frane Petrić Days - Croatian Philosophy in Interaction and Context, Cres, September 27th-30th 2017.
  2. Zauder, Krešimir and Josip Ćirić. Philosophy and Conceptual Networks. Formal Methods and Science in Philosophy II, Dubrovnik, May 4th-6th2017.
  3. Sex(y) games: video-games and wink-wink- nudge-nudge [Seks(i) igrice: video igre i wink-wink, nudge-nudge]. Sexuality Days, Zadar, April 26th-28th 2017.
  4. Šango, Tea, Tomislav Rajković, Drahomira Cupar and Josip Ćirić. Online Gaming Communities in Croatia. Improving quality of life through information - 25th BOBCATSSS Conference, Tampere, January 25th-27th 2017.
  5. Lucija Žilić, Drahomira Cupar, Josip Ćirić and Krešimir Zauder. Student teacher Facebook friendship and privacy awareness. Information, Libraries, Democracy ­ 24th BOBCATSSS Conference, Lyon, January 27th.-29th 2016.
  6. Ćirić, J., Domagoj Volarević, and Lucija Mrkela. The First Life: Some Aspects on Gamification in the Real World. Design, Innovation, Participation - 23rd BOBCATSSS Conference, Brno, January 2015.
  7. Ćirić, J. Disability: legitimacy of explanation [Invalidnost: legitimitet objašnjenja]. Philosophy and body, Zagreb, November 27th-29th 2014.
  8. Ćirić, J. and Ruža Kovačević: Classifying joy - some epistemological issues in sexology and psychopathology [Klasificiranje užitka - neki epistemološki problemi u seksologiji i psihopatologiji]. Philosophy and body, Zagreb, November 27th-29th 2014.
  9. Ćirić, J. Students with disability - content accessibility and Univeristy adaptation [Studenti s invaliditetom – dostupnost sadržaja i prilagodba Sveučilišta]. InfoDASKA – LIS student days, Zadar, May 23rd-24th 2014.
  10. Ćirić, J. and Jasminka Brala-Mudrovčić. Critic theory and electronics education [Kritička teorija i elektroničko obrazovanje]. Cultural identity in digital age - The fifth international scientific-professinal conference , Zenica, April 3rd-4th 2014.
  11. Ćirić, J., Franjo Pehar, Maja Stazić and Domagoj Volarević. Social media and Memes: A study of spoilers. 22nd BOBCATSSS Conference, Barcelona, January 2014.
  12. Dragica Barbarić, Irena Čorko Meštrović, Ksenija Gmajnički, Anita Vulić Prtorić, Josip Ćirić: 'Psychotherapy and modern thechnologies: close encounters on digital planet (round table)' [Psihoterapija i moderne tehnologije: bliski susreti na digitalnoj planeti (okrugli stol)]. 2nd international conference of Croatian union of psychotherapy associations. Zagreb, October 19th and 20th 2013.
  13. Ćirić, J. Interdisciplinary approach to violence toward persons with disability: philosophical analysis of the Gestalt psychotherapy. Rethinking Humanities and Social Sciences, Zadar, June 2013.
  14. Ćirić, J. Rousseaus' thought in philosophical counseling [Rousseauova misao u filozofskome savjetovanju]. Nature-Society-Politics. On 300th birth anniversary of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Zagreb, November 22th-24th 2012.
  15. Ćirić, J., Ivana Posarić. From Rousseau to Donaldson: intergrativ theory of social contract and computer ethics [Od Rousseaua do Donaldsona: integrativna teorija društvenog ugovora i računalna etika]. Nature-Society-Politics. On 300th birth anniversary of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Zagreb, November 22th-24th 2012.
  16. Volarević, Domagoj and Josip Ćirić. Belief in a just world and on-line piracy: Gigapedia case. Poster. Libraries in Digital Age LIDA 2012 - Change, Zadar, June 18th-22th 2012.
  17. Ćirić, J. and Domagoj Volarević. Internet Social Network Related Behaviour and Some Privacy Paradox Issues. Information in e­motion Proceedings - 20th BOBCATSSS Conference, Amsterdam, January 2012.
  18. Ćirić, J. and Ruža Kovačević. Affraid of Prometheus - what are we inheriting from magical thinking? [Strah od Prometeja – što još baštinimo od magijskog mišljenja?] 4th Mediterranean roots of philosophy, Split, March 25th-27th 2010.
  19. Ćirić, J. Playing democracy - manipulating society in cirtual reality [Igranje demokracije - upravljanje društvom u virtualnoj stvarnosti]. Democracy at the threshold - freedom, equality, justice. At 150th birth anniversary of John Dewey. Zagreb, November 26th-27th 2009.
  20. Ćirić, J. Logic and psychotherapy. Logical foundations of metaphysics, IUC course. Dubrovnik, May 18th-24th 2009.
  21. Ćirić, J. i Ruža Kovačević. Some aspects of acquiring life skills and the role of philosophy [Neki vidovi stjecanja životnih vještina i uloga filozofije]. Mediterranean roots of philosophy. Split, March 26th-28th 2009.
  22. Ćirić, J. Counseling and the art of living [Savjetovanje i umijeće življenja]. Mediterranean roots of philosophy. Split, March 26th-28th 2009.
  23. Ćirić, J. The joy of procrastionation: some determinants of lazyness as a worldview [Radost odugovlačenja: neke odrednice lijenosti kao svjetonazorne pozicije]. Philosophy of leisure and sports. Zagreb, Noveber 27th-29th 2008.
  24. Martinović, Ivica, Bruno Ćurko, Davor Balić and Josip Ćirić. Round table: Sociology of Rennaissance philosophy - following Collins' methodology [Okrugli stol: Sociologija renesansne filozofije – tragom Collinsove metodologije]. 15th conference Petrić and Rennaisance philosophy traditions, Cres, September 24th-27th 2008.
  25. Ćirić, Josip and Ruža Kovačević. Globalization of beautiful - a case study [Globalizacija lijepoga - studija slučaja]. 17th Frane Petrić Days. Cres, September 22th-24th 2008.
  26. Ćirić, J. Philosophy as global market commodity [Filozofija kao roba globalnog tržišta]. 17th Frane Petri Days. Cres, September 22th-24th 2008.
  27. Ćirić, J. Social network and schools of philosophy [Socijalne mreže i filozofske škole]. Mediterranean roots of philosophy, Split, March 27th-29th 2008.
  28. Ćirić, J. and Ruža Kovačević. Texchnophobia in digital culture - some philosophical issues [Tehnofobija u digitalnoj kulturi - Neka filozofska pitanja]. 16th Frane Petrić Days. Cres, rujan 2007.
  29. Ćirić, J. i Bruno Ćurko. Podučavanje i istraživanje filozofije u okružju digitalne kulture. 16. Dani Frane Petrića. Cres, September 2007.
  30. Ćirić, J.(Meta)physics of mind. Logical foundations of metaphysics, IUC course. Dubrovnik, May 2007.
  31. Ćirić, J. Philosophy as cure for the soul: Antiquity roots of psychological intervention [Filozofija kao lijek za dušu: Antički korijeni psihološke intervencije]. Mediterranean roots of philosophy, Split, April 2007.
  32. Ćurko, Bruno and J. Ćirić. Erosion of philosophy domain? An account on interdisciplinary thinking about education [Erozija filozofske domene? Osvrt na interdisciplinarno promišljanje odgoja]. Philosophy and the psyche. On 15th birth anniversary of Sigmund Freud. Zagreb, November 2006.
  33. Ćirić, J. Lost in translation. Communication and noise of philosophical and psychological counseling [Izgubljeni u prijevodu. Komunikacija i šum filozofskog i psihološkog savjetovanja]. Philosophy and the psyche. On 15th birth anniversary of Sigmund Freud, Zagreb, November 2006.
  34. Valerjev, Pavle and J. Ćirić. Deduction using conditionals: an application of verbal protocols analysis method [Dedukcija s kondicionalima: primjena metode analize verbalnih protokola]. 16th Ramiro Bujas Days, Zagreb, November 2003.
  35. Ćirić, J. Psychology and falsificationism [Psihologija i falsifikacionizam]. Logic and contemporary philosophical investigations, Zadar, June 2003.
  36. Ćirić, J. Philosophical issues in artifical intelligence [Filozofijski problemi umjetne inteligencije]. 13th Psychology days in Zadar. Zadar, May 2002.
  37. Ćirić, J. Clinical Assessment and Application of Falsificationism: an Attempt of Illustration. Karl Popper Centennial Congress. Beč, June 2002.
  38. Ćirić, J. Elements of philosophy of mathemathics in Jean Piaget's theory [Elementi filozofije matematike kod Jeana Piageta]. 12th Psychology days in Zadar. Zadar, May 2000.