
Dear visitors, welcome to my webpage where you may find information about my scientific and professional activities, popularization of science and philosophy.
I am associate professor at LIS Dept. of Zadar University. I studied philosophy, sociology and psychology, got M.Sc. in linguistics, PhD in philosophy of science. I teach logic, information ethics, philosophy of information, philosophy and science fiction, philosophical counseling... My research interests are at the interscetion of philosophy and popular culture, philosophical counseling, information ethics and philosophy of information.
I volunteer at Student counseling center and work with students with disabilities on Peer support course. I'm person with disability too, having an Erb's palsy.
I wrote a book, defragmentations (in Croatian), and a dozen of scientific articles and conference proceedings. I participated on various conferences in Croatia and abroad. I worked as visiting fellow at Karl Franzens University in Graz, Austria, and Boras College, Sweden. I authored over 100 lectures on popular science and philosophy.
Fourth season of dirty philosophy just started
A new season of dirty philosophy started with lecture on moral panics and video-games!
Like any other extremely popular form of youth entertainment, video-games followed the destiny of comic books, rock and metal music - it's identified as a main culprit for youngs disobeying the adults and sure sign of the end of the world. A short history of moral panics movements is exposed together with main sociologial approaches to analyse it. In the end a logic structure of such arguments is exposed as flawed.
Book 1984 and Philosophy available at Amazon.com

Amazon.com just announced the book 1984 and Philosophy! The book is edited by Ezio di Nuzzi and Stefan Storrie, published by Open Court. This is 116th title in Popular Culture and Philosophy series. Bruno's and mine chapter deals with issue may one be happy in spite of oppressive environment and how philosophy may help you achieve that - its history and critical thinking skills.
You may order the book here.
Biograd Public Library lecture

I had terrific opportunity to spread the viruses of both science-fiction and philosophy outside Zadar due to call of couple of my former students Kristina Barbaroša, Sanja Birkić and Tihana Jurišić from Briogad Public Library. As a part of The book night festival, I held a lecture on science fiction and fact, futurology and a bit of research ethics. It was a great experience to be guest in small community library and to interact with Sci-Fi fans of various generations. We had interesting discussion on impact of technology across the lifespan.