From the Introduction:

Education is supposed to be basic factor in social inclusiveness for every citizen (European Council, 2003). To achieve it for the persons with disabilities also, we have to encourage designing such a system capable of dealing with various educational needs of children with developmental difficulties and persons with disabilities as well providing them with an access and successful course of regular education, starting from the preschool level to those of higher and lifelong education.
Convention of rights of persons with disabilities (NN, MU, 6/07, 3/08 and 5/08) introduced the social model of disability according to which the obstacles resulting from social environment are those that transform an impairment into the disability or incapability to participate in activities on equal grounds with others. It’s the society’s duty to remove such obstacles and to ensure adjustments and support so disabled persons should not be hindered in participating in the society on equal bases as non-disabled persons.
The Republic of Croatia signed and ratified international conventions and declarations considering the rights of disabled persons and brought laws, strategic documents and other acts related to establishing rights and providing equal opportunities for disabled persons. In turn, it made obligation to provide access to higher education on equal grounds and stop any discrimination toward disabled persons.
The purpose of this document is to further develop accessibility to the higher education for disabled students in the Republic of Croatia by defining unique accessibility standards and providing guidelines for providing equal opportunities in higher education system of the Republic of Croatia. The goal of the documents is to indicate the present situation of the higher education system in the Republic of Croatia considering accessibility and student standard for students with disabilities, their day-to-day issues. Also, the goal is, along with unique accessibility standards, to define specific guidelines, stakeholders and resources needed to take specific actions.
This document is the result of EduQuality project (Education for Equal Opportunities at Croatian Universities) financed by European Commission by means of TEMPUS program.
- Introduction
- Minimal accesibility standards for students with disabilities in the Republic of Croatia higher education system
- Present state analysis and the need for the accessibility to higher education system for students with disabilities
- Legal, strategic and financial framework
- Enrolling into college
- Teaching and learning outcomes
- Support services for the students with disabilites
- Space accessibility and living conditions
- Financial support and other student rights
- Data collection
- Recommendations for providing the minimal standards
Taskforce members:
- doc. dr. sc. Josip Ćirić, Zadar University
- prof. dr. sc. Blaženka Divjak, vicerector for students, Zagreb University
- doc. dr. sc. Karin Doolan, Zadar University
- Thomas Farnell, MA, Institute for the Development of Education (taskforce leader)
- Danijel Jedriško, student, Faculty of Philosophy, Zagreb University
- prof. dr. sc. Lelia Kiš-Glavaš, Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation, Zagreb Univeristy
- doc. dr. sc. Sandra Laleta, Faculty of Law, Rijeka University
- doc. dr. sc. Irena Majstorović, Faculty of Law, Zagreb University
- Valentina Novak Žižić, mag. soc. rad., Office for students with disabilities, Zagreb University
- Iva Šušak, studentica, Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation, Zagreb Univeristy
- Natalija Vrbas, mag. rehab. educ., Center for Rehabilitation of Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation, Zagreb Univeristy
- External participants:
- Branka Meić, prof., Office of the ombudswoman for persons with disabilities
- Anka Slonjšak, dipl. oec., Ombudswoman for persons with disabilities
- Tomislav Vodička, prof., Ministry of Science, Education, and Sports