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What are you doing, you Buldozer?
Mind is like a parachute. It works only when it's open.
Frank Zappa
Intelectual-dance music
Fig.1 Album covers Pljuni istini u oči
Fig.2 Album covers Cheap candies store window
Fig.3 Album covers Ako ste slobodni večeras
Who's eating mellons?
The 'ph' word
Say 'Yes' right now!
Live to die
What are you doing, you Buldozer?
Mind is like a parachute. It works only when it's open.
Frank Zappa
Intelectual-dance music

Fig.1 Album covers Pljuni istini u oči

Fig.2 Album covers Cheap candies store window

Fig.3 Album covers Ako ste slobodni večeras
Who's eating mellons?
The 'ph' word
Say 'Yes' right now!
Live to die
[1] Croatian writer and musician, Davor Slamnig joins the group in 1980. It's interesting to notice another anrchistic-madish project - cyberpunk TV series "Blentoni". Unfortunatelly, except for couple of YouTube clips and private archives, this jewel of Croatian TV SciFi is all but lost.
[2] Curiously, although the album was sold out at last, the publisher always had couple of excuses ready not to republish it. The album saw new edition only when former state dissolved.
[3] It's of importance to point to a detail, surreal as Buldožer songs - Saša Lošić in documentary "Rockovnik" (Vesić 2006) speaks that the very first record he bought was Buldožer's and his first attempts to write songs were to emulate them. His first live meeting with Brecelj is as equally bizarre.
[4] Dražen Vrdoljak was special guest on record "Ako ste slobodni večeras". He interviewed the audience at Kulušić concert and his comments are addition to the surreal atmosphere.
[5] Buldožer members and Štulić spend summer hollydays at Silba before anyone head of Johni. Thus, the size of his ego was not mystery to them. Whil listening to inspired Bele's eulogy, pay attention to audience reactions - from complete silence to euforia.
[6] Deconstruction in philosophy aims to point to aporias, i.e. blindspots, contradictions and point of conflict that get undetected by most readers. Two main proponents are Jacques Derrida and Paul De Man. Although the term is used for denoting postmodernism and poststructuralism, deconstructivists kept Enlightement's rational attitude probing into dogmatic parts (Norris 1998).
[7] The author remembers well bizarre scences from military education in the high school and the narcissistic statement that Yugoslavia is the most stable country in the world. All that happening in the beginning of the 1990.